Good Food vs Bad Food

With all the internet information out there and tiktok influencers, is there really such a thing as good food versus bad food?


I am an advocate AGAINST the if it fits your macros trend. These folks tend to believe that calories in versus calories out is all there is about weightloss. They will let you believe that as long as you hit protein goals and eat within a set number of carbs and fats, you’ll be the picture of health. the problem is, most people see this as an opportunity to eat cake, ice cream, sugar, candies and chips as long as it fits those numbers. What these fitness influencers fail to tell you is what that food is doing to the INSIDE of your body.

the junk food on the right in the photo above is made with sugar, seed oils and all sorts of additives and addictive food ingredients. there’s a reason why these companies want you coming back for more. Ever wonder why you can’t eat one serving of chips or cookies? they are filled with addictive additives that keep you grabbing for the next chip. Read the link below on an article for seed oils and the harm they cause

When grocery shopping, stick to the outer aisles. the inner aisles contain all the cheap processed foods. instead stick to the produce, dairy and meat sections on the outskirts of the store. Do not be afraid of steak, chicken and wild caught fish. In our house we rotate steak, chicken thighs, fish and ground game meat. We buy all organic vegetables to reduce pesticides entering our body. Drink filtered water, not tap. I could go on but don’t want to make anyone reading this bored. if you’d like assistance with your diet and workouts, feel free to send me a message on instagram and i’d be happy to put together a plan for you.

Next week we will talk about intermittent fasting, why its beneficial and if keto truly works or if its just another fad diet. Thank for reading!

Vascular Ehlers Danlos and Life

In 2020 my life took a turn. Back in 2013 and 2018 I tore both my carotid arteries which resulted in stents and my retirement from the Coast Guard. I asked the VA to run a genetic test to find a cause. The result was a diagnosis of Vascular Ehlers Danlos. this disorder produces faulty collagen. This results in arterial tears, and hollow organ tears. I needed to get a whole new team of doctors. I get scans annually. Followed by a genetics team. My workouts needed to be modified. No more lifting heavy, no more HIIT. I have to keep my blood pressure on the low end of normal.

If your curious about Vascular Ehlers Danlos, I encourage you to check out the VEDS Movement linked below

the direction of this blog will follow an altered lifestyle, workouts, along with future posts related to intermittent fasting and keto diet. Hope you stick around for the ride!

Depression and Lifting

For many, the struggle is real with depression and the desire to be healthy and workout. How do you balance the two? This is something I am still working on. I have borderline personality disorder and bipolar. For about a year now I’ve been doing well. However, one of my therapists just told me she was leaving the clinic for another area of the VA. This was a bomb. I don’t do well when I have to change providers, let alone a therapist. It takes me months to open up to someone and if the vibe isn’t there, therapy is useless.

Because of this news, I haven’t trained in 3 days. I turned to alcohol for a couple days as my only coping method. I know this isn’t productive but I’m still trying to process the news. So, how do we move past it?

We start by just doing. My diet thankfully has stayed healthy as I don’t have junk food in my house, so that was a win. I need to put the alcohol down. I know when I drink I don’t feel like working out the next day. So we start by spreading out when we drink. If we can’t do that, we drink LESS than the day before.

Movement of any kind will help. Whether it’s a walk, a run, pacing your house. Just get up and move. Tomorrow my plan is to set my alarms for 7am. Get up, drink the pre workout and MOVE. Monday I have to work, and can’t allow this news to affect my daily routine. Whether I like it or not, she is leaving and I will have a new therapist in a few weeks. Unfortunately the uncertainty of not knowing who will take over it what bothers me a lot. Can I trust this person? Will they have as much compassion as my last therapist? This all remains to be seen. Until then, I can only do what I know how to do:

Walk the dogs. Get outside. Maintain a healthy diet. Lift weights.

Do you struggle with depression and the desire to be healthy? what works for you? let us know in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!

Workout Tip Thursday: Glute Bridge with Weights

Like most muscle groups, the glutes need to be worked not only with compound movements like squats and deadlifts, but they should be isolated as well.

Are you trying to get that Kardashian ass the all natural way? Try adding these into your next leg day!

Glute Bridges or Hip Thrusts can be done from the floor or on a workout bench. They can be done with a dumbbell in your lap or a barbell with plates loaded on it depending on your strength. If you work out from home, start with the floor. Place a dumbbell on your lap as shown in the photo. Push your glutes up and send your hips towards the ceiling or sky. Tighten your glutes as you push upwards.

Start with 3 sets of 15-20 reps. Once you are able to graduate to a heavier weight, you can reduce the reps down to 6-12.

I have also included a video on how to perform the exercise with a barbell

Enjoy this post? Want more workout tips? let us know in the comments what you’d like to see in the future!

Some days you win, some days you lose

Balance is one of those things people struggle with. I know I am one of them. When I work out and eat on plan, I live in extremes. Either I stick to the plan 100%, or I’m a disaster. The last two days I’ve been a disaster. I slept in past my alarms two days in a row, meaning I didn’t work out. Both days I opted for cookies instead of my scheduled meal. Instead of panicking or stressing about how off plan I am, I let it go. Some days you win, some days you lose. These two days were a loss and that’s ok.

If you find yourself falling off plan, just do your best that day. Start over new on the next day. Remember, it took you years to gain the weight slowly over time. 1-2 days off plan is not going to derail you, make you lose gains or destroy all your recent hard work. Give yourself a little grace, a little balance, and do better the next day

CBD Oil and Sleep


Initial research shows that CBD, which doesn’t get you high, can be useful in the treatment of a number of conditions, including:

  • anxiety
  • depression
  • chronic pain
  • inflammation
  • skin conditions, such as eczema
  • some seizure disorders

Good news for you: It can also improve sleep. CBD taken at least an hour before bed can improve insomnia and promote a restful night’s sleep.

CBD is helpful for sleep because it can alleviate conditions that complicate sleep. Namely, anxiety, stress, and pain. Calming your central nervous system can have a relaxing effect, helping you let go of stress and anxiety, and even calming painful inflammation from conditions such as arthritis or low back pain.

Using CBD may be helpful for improving sleep directly, even if you don’t suffer from anxiety, stress, or chronic pain. CBD is believed to interact with receptors in the body, including receptors that govern your body’s sleep and wake cycle.

Sleep medication can have interactions, may not be effective, and frequently comes with side effects. Additionally, you may be limited in how much you can use sleep medications, as they can be habit forming. But research suggests CBD comes with few side effects, such as fatigue, diarrhea, and changes in appetite. If you’re struggling to sleep and considering sleep medication, CBD could be a low risk alternative to try out first.

Tips for Using CBD as a Sleep Aid

With these tips, you can use CBD more effectively to support healthy sleep.

Use CBD as a supplement to healthy sleep habits. CBD can be a tool for good sleep, but it shouldn’t be a crutch. Make sure you’re practicing good sleep habits, such as shutting down screen time at least an hour before bed, avoiding caffeine in the evening, and maintaining a regular sleep schedule and bedtime routine. An overall healthy lifestyle with physical activity and good diet can be helpful for sleep as well.

Don’t overdo it. While a too small dose might not be effective, using CBD could prove to be too much of a commitment if you regularly take a large dose for sleep. Try a dose of about 25 to 30 mg and increase as needed.

Plan your delivery method. Edibles and oils can offer sustained delivery of CBD that might help you stay asleep later into the night. But vaping could offer faster relief, even if it wears off more quickly. Consider your needs and whether you need help falling asleep, or staying asleep, when choosing which way to consume CBD as a sleep aid.

Only use CBD when you need it. CBD isn’t a recreational drug and doesn’t offer the psychoactive effects of THC. Though it’s low risk, it’s possible to do too much. Though you might not worry much about overdosing on CBD, you should be concerned about lowering its effectiveness over time. The Kaiser Permanente study suggests that CBD’s effectiveness as a sleep aid could drop off after about a month of regular use. So using it only when needed could ensure that it delivers consistently.

CBD can be a good choice for sleep, particularly if you struggle with anxiety, stress, or pain at night. Use it carefully to improve your sleep and feel more rested each day.

Interested in trying CBD? Visit this link and use code CBDCENA

Add CBD To Your Workout Recovery Plan


If you are looking to further your workout recovery, relieve soreness and perform better, consider supplementing with CBD products.


While CBD oil and THC come from the same plant, the two are very different compounds. THC is the most popular and reactive compound found in the hemp plant, but CBD has been found to have the most varied uses and benefits while not getting you high.

The medical benefits of CBD have been proven to cause significant change to the body. Some of these benefits include:

1. Muscle Growth

Growing muscle is one of the most challenging tasks of a bodybuilder and fitness conscious person. To make it even more challenging, we have catabolic hormones in our bodies that break muscle mass down. In order to reverse that issue, you would need to take anti-catabolic supplements.

CBD supplements help accomplish the mass gains you desire by lowering the number of catabolic hormones in the body. With lower catabolic hormones, your body will not be able to break down muscle mass as quickly, allowing you to increase muscle mass.

2. Weight Loss

Whereas THC may give you the munchies, CBD regulates your blood sugar levels. With regulated levels, there are less fat-storing hormones produced by the pancreas in your body resulting in less fat being stored. Since more fat is available to be burned off as energy, there will be fewer fat cells in your body.

CBD also regulates cortisol levels. If your cortisol levels are too high or too low, unpleasant symptoms like weight gain can occur. Regulated levels help lower peaks in cortisol at appropriate times. Together, the regulated levels can help you lose weight safely and appropriately.

3. Anti-Inflammation

After an intense day of training, sore muscles and joints are common. To combat these ailments, you might mask the pain with an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory or pain-relieving medicine.

CBD is a natural supplement and can offer some relief without damaging your liver. This is caused by the receptors in your brain interacting with CBD and the immune system. The receptors are tiny proteins attached to your cells that receive chemical signals and your cells respond, creating anti-inflammatory and painkilling effects.

4. Improved Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the keys to muscle recovery. Without proper rest, your body can’t burn off energy or help build muscle the right way. CBD has shown to improve sleep patterns, sleep soundly, and for longer periods of time without the addictive effects of sleep medication.

Anxiety is the number one reason people are unable to get to sleep. CBD has also shown that it can be very effective in helping a person deal with anxiety by regulating your own natural chemicals.

Thinking about trying CBD to supplement your fitness goals? Go visit CBDMD and use code CBDCENA to get 15% off your order!!

IIFYM: Part 2 Are you doing it right?

images4MRCJONZWe have all heard the phrase “IIFYM brah!” and have seen the endless number of Poptart pictures on Instagram. IIFYM has been huge in the diet and workout industry as of lately. Even my first post on IIFYM has seen the most hits out of all the ones here on my blog. I personally shift back and forth from eating things I WANT to eat and eating things I SHOULD eat when it comes to macro tracking. First let’s start with the three macros one tracks when dieting or bulking: Fat, Protein and Carbs. There are a ton of sites and ways to calculate your macros and calories. From to the plethora of google results you can get just by typing it in, it might be hard to choose the right formula.

Fret no more! Direct your attention to this article written by a good friend of mine: Scott Herman Fitness Now this isn’t a shameless plug or a bit of spam. I’ve known him since we were in high school and his fitness success has exploded on the internet. You can find him on Youtube as well and follow all his free workout videos.

By calculating the correct number of calories and macro percentages based on your goals, you will find that losing weight or gaining weight can be very easy.

One of the biggest takeaways from IIFYM however is what you put into your body. Many of these IGers will swear by IIFYM and because they are lean and “make gainz” IIFYM and eating poptarts and pizza must be right. Here is where I disagree. There are so many chemical in today’s foods that by eating whatever you want as long as it fits your macros, can set your body up for self destruction later on. Why do I say this? Another good friend of mine recently beat cancer by changing his diet and incorporating raw greens juicing and healthy organic foods into his diet. He is a professional bodybuilder and admits to eating fast food at least once a week as his cheat meal before his cancer diagnosis. After cancer, he realized that more should go into what you put into your body. Forget about all the conspiracy theories and people who go for media drama and hype, there are a number of chemicals that are banned in other countries but not here in the US (for those readers who are outside of the US, check online to see if any other chemicals your nation might use are considered harmful).

By raw juicing and eating organic, grass fed beef and chicken, you can rid your body of the harmful chemicals that are snuck into your foods. While it’s great to look lean and cut, what good is that going to do you if you decrease your future quality of life? Be smart about this folks!!

Now I don’t claim to have vast amounts of knowledge in dieting and nutrition. However I’m sure this photo will prove that I have made great progress in trying to understand health and fitness:



While it might be fun to eat poptarts and pizza, please consider the damage you may be causing to your body. Instead, focus on clean foods that will round out your macros while allowing yourself to cheat once and a while so you don’t binge on snack foods. If you have any questions on counting calories or macros, comment below and we will get back to you right away!

As always, following along on Instagram and come on over to our Facebook page Fitness by Claire


Leg Routine that Will Leave you Wobbly

Recently we conducted a survey from our readers on what they would like to see in future blog posts. You can take the survey yourself here. Your answers will help us better define our material!

The majority of readers wanted more workout routines, recipes and coming in third was supplement reviews. The top three muscles people wanted to see routines for were legs, back and biceps was a close third. Today we will post up a great leg workout. This one normally takes me 1.5-2 hours to complete as I usually throw in some calf exercises at the end. I enjoy working out legs as long as possible. Some will argue that less is more and you don’t need to be in the gym more than 45 min for a good workout. I say do what works for you. If 2 hours is your limit, do 2 hours, if you can go heavy and quick for 45 min, do that. The Leg routine is called “Thunder Quad”:

1. Leg extensions x 20/ Bodyweight squat x 50

This is a super set. Perform the leg extensions then get off and go right into the body weight squats. Do this set FIVE times.

2. Leg curls x 50/ walking lunges with dumbbell for 1 minute

Pick a weight you normally would do 20 leg curls with, and get it to 50. then grab some dumbbells and do walking lunges for a minute. Do this set FIVE times……yes we said five

3. Barbell Squat for 5 minutes

Pick a weight that’s either 70% of your max or something that is moderately challenging for you. Keep the bar on your back the whole time, but try to do this for five minutes, don’t count the reps. Do this ONCE.

4. Leg press x10/ calf press x20

Self explanatory. Do all three positions for calves: toes neutral, toes out and toes in. Do this set THREE times.

5. Leg extension x100

Go back to the weight you used at the beginning that got you to 20, man up, and do 100.

6. Wall Squat

Wall squat as long as you can. By this time, it shouldn’t be for very long. If you last more than a minute, you didn’t go hard enough on the rest of the exercises.

I like to finish up with some seated calf raises, ab and adductor machine and some brief cardio after. The cardio will help with the lactic acid build up later and should allow for your legs to not be as sore the next day.

Try to do this workout twice a week if you need work on your legs, otherwise once a week should be ok. Let us know how you did after you try it!!

As always, come follow us on Instagram at eat_lift_inspire where you will see fitness motivation photos, tips, progress and even a promo code for 25% off supplements. Follow us on Twitter at eatliftinspire and also on Pinterest at Levyii

Apple Cider Vinegar

Many people question the validity of Apple Cider Vinegar having as many health benefits as scientists say it does. I wanted to take this opportunity to provide some information I came across on apple cider vinegar and why you should incorporate this into your diet daily!


Apple cider vinegar is purported to treat numerous diseases, health   conditions, and annoyances. To name a few, it kills  head lice, reverses aging, eases digestion, prevents flu, prevents acne, lowers blood pressure, reduces inflammation, kills fungus, regulate pH balance, dissolves kidney stones and helps relieve allergies, migraines, asthma, nausea,  heart burn and wash toxins from the body.      Can it really do all these things? You bet it can and more! But what does science say?

  • Diabetes. The effect of apple cider vinegar on blood sugar levels is   perhaps the best researched and the most promising of APV’s  health benefits. Several studies have found that   vinegar may help lower glucose levels. For instance, a study (White, A. Diabetes Care, November 2007)  of 11   people with type 2 diabetes found that taking two tablespoons of apple   cider vinegar before bed lowered glucose levels in the morning by 4%-6%. In another study from Arizona State University, subjects took a drink of 20 grams of apple cider vinegar and   40 grams of water. Those with insulin   resistance who drank the vinegar had 34% lower postprandial (after-meal)   glucose compared to controls. Vinegar may be the most cost-effective medicine in history, but most people with diabetes still aren’t taking it.
  • High Cholesterol. A 2006 study reported in Medscape General Medicine, showed evidence that ACV could lower cholesterol.  In a study published in a foreign medical journal, scientists found an   apple cider vinegar-enhanced diet may increase in HDL (good   cholesterol), and reduce levels of triglycerides. Research in rats suggests that apple-cider vinegar can help  control triglycerides and cholesterol (Journal of Agricultural and  Food Chemistry, June 22, 2011).
  • Blood Pressure and Heart Health. Another study in rats found that vinegar could lower high blood   pressure. A large observational study also found that people who ate oil   and vinegar dressing on salads five to six times a week had lower rates   of heart disease than people who didn’t. Researchers   have suggested that ‘this reduction in blood pressure may be caused by the   significant reduction in renin activity and the subsequent decrease in   angiotensin II’. Potassium in   the vinegar ‘balances sodium levels in the body, which aids in   maintaining blood pressure within healthy limits’ and ‘apple cider   vinegar also contains magnesium, a mineral that works to relax   blood vessel walls and thus lower high blood pressure’.
  • CancerA few laboratory studies have found that vinegar may be   able to kill cancer cells or slow their growth. One study found that eating vinegar was   associated with a decreased risk of esophageal cancer. Another   associated it with an increased risk of bladder cancer.   In recent trials, pectin, which can be found in ACV, has shown promise   in helping to slow the growth of cancerous cells within the prostate (   In addition, apple cider vinegar’s acidity aids in detoxifying and   cleansing the digestive tract and cleaning out the colon, which supports   the health of the prostate as well.
  • Weight LossFor thousands of years, vinegar has been used for   weight loss. White vinegar (and perhaps other types) might help people   feel full. A  study (Ostman, E. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2005) of 12 people found that those who ate a piece of   bread along with small amounts of  vinegar felt fuller and more   satisfied than those who just ate the bread. A 2009 study on mice showed that consuming acetic acid (the active component in ACV), upregulates the expression of genes for   fatty acid oxidation enzymes in the liver causing a suppression in body   fat accumulation. In a double-blind experiment, obese Japanese were assigned to three different groups based on similar body weights, body mass indexes (BMI), and waist circumference. Each group drank a 500 ml drink   containing either 30ml, 15ml, or 0ml of vinegar daily for 12 weeks.   Those in the 30ml and 15ml groups had lower BMI, visceral fat area, waist circumference, serum triglyceride,   and body weight to the control group of 0ml. The 12-week weight losses   were modest: 1.2kg in the 15ml group and 1.7kg in the 30ml group.   These two groups consumed a similar number of calories to the control   group and also performed a similar amount of exercise, so the effect is   not likely to have been due to an impact on appetite or other lifestyle   changes. It was concluded that consumption of vinegar might reduce   obesity.
  • Alkaline Acid Balance: Some alternative practitioners recommend using apple cider vinegar to   restore alkaline acid balance. The theory behind the alkaline diet is   that our blood is slightly alkaline (with a normal pH level of between   7.35 and 7.45) and that our diet should reflect this pH level.   Proponents of the alkaline-acid theory believe that a diet high in   acid-producing foods leads to lack of energy, excessive mucous   production, infections, anxiety, irritability, headache, sore throat,   nasal and sinus congestion, allergic reactions, and increased risk of   conditions such as arthritis and gout

Read the full article here:


Summerly, J. (2013, July 11). Is Apple Cider Vinegar That Powerful of a Health Tonic? Science Says Yes. Retrieved March 12, 2014, from