Good Food vs Bad Food

With all the internet information out there and tiktok influencers, is there really such a thing as good food versus bad food?


I am an advocate AGAINST the if it fits your macros trend. These folks tend to believe that calories in versus calories out is all there is about weightloss. They will let you believe that as long as you hit protein goals and eat within a set number of carbs and fats, you’ll be the picture of health. the problem is, most people see this as an opportunity to eat cake, ice cream, sugar, candies and chips as long as it fits those numbers. What these fitness influencers fail to tell you is what that food is doing to the INSIDE of your body.

the junk food on the right in the photo above is made with sugar, seed oils and all sorts of additives and addictive food ingredients. there’s a reason why these companies want you coming back for more. Ever wonder why you can’t eat one serving of chips or cookies? they are filled with addictive additives that keep you grabbing for the next chip. Read the link below on an article for seed oils and the harm they cause

When grocery shopping, stick to the outer aisles. the inner aisles contain all the cheap processed foods. instead stick to the produce, dairy and meat sections on the outskirts of the store. Do not be afraid of steak, chicken and wild caught fish. In our house we rotate steak, chicken thighs, fish and ground game meat. We buy all organic vegetables to reduce pesticides entering our body. Drink filtered water, not tap. I could go on but don’t want to make anyone reading this bored. if you’d like assistance with your diet and workouts, feel free to send me a message on instagram and i’d be happy to put together a plan for you.

Next week we will talk about intermittent fasting, why its beneficial and if keto truly works or if its just another fad diet. Thank for reading!

1 thought on “Good Food vs Bad Food

  1. Great article! It’s important to remember that not all foods are created equal, and it’s not just about hitting macro goals. Thanks for the helpful tips on grocery shopping and organic produce. Looking forward to reading more!
    Emma Donaldson

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